Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Court St. Anne #1089

Oregon City, Oregon

"Unity and Charity"

Catholic Daughters of the Americas strive to embrace the faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human dignity for all.

The History of Court St. Anne: 1928 – 2021

Court St. Anne #1089 was instituted on April 22, 1928, with Miss Ellen Dougherty as the first Regent. There were 42 Charter members. Two of those Charter members, Helen Long and Nellie Serres remained members until their deaths in October 1992 and May 1997. Fern Comegys, one of our active members who did not miss a meeting, was 96 years young in 1998. We lost Fern in 2004.

Msgr. Anthony Hildebrand, Pastor of St. John’s Parish in Oregon City, was instrumental in organizing the Catholic Daughters. He expressed his desire that the new Court be a success especially socially. He served as Chaplain until his death in 1940. Over the years, Court St. Anne has had 26 Chaplains. The Court has always strived to carry out the mission of the Catholic Daughters. Spiritual enhancement of our members, help for those in need, involvement in the community and support of our youth have always been goals.

In the early days of Court St. Anne, most donations and help were aimed at the local level, primarily the parish and school. The Sisters from the school used to ask for help in paying for the textbooks for students whose families could not afford them. Another big project was sewing baby clothing for the St. Agnes Baby Home, a local orphanage. There were times when the Court helped members with illness in the family. One time, the Court gave $2.00 to a member’s family with a serious illness. That amount would not do much today!

The Court supported many local, State and National projects. Help was provided for blood banks, Red Cross, USO, March of Dimes, St. Vincent DePaul and other local fund drives. Members helped regularly at the John McLoughlin House, a National Monument. Several members were active in legislation and were precinct committee people and election workers. Many members served with the Loaves and Fishes and Meals on Wheels programs. Some were Ombudsmen at local nursing homes.

Court St. Anne was active with the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women since 1936, and affiliated with District Seven. Many members held District offices and some were on the State Board.

Participation in the State CDA Court and sending delegates to the conventions and conferences has been a priority, and several members have held State Offices. A few have attended National Conventions and even been chosen as Woman of Achievement and CDA Daughter of the Year.

An Education Contest is sponsored each year for the local parish, school and beyond. We send the winning entries on to the State competition. We have had State winners and also one National winner. When awards were given, donations were made to the school library.

Court St. Anne was the first Oregon Court to institute a Junior Court. From the very beginning, the Junior Court was a big topic of discussion. It took until September 27, 1935, to finally reach reality. While it did not last too many years, another one was organized in 1945 and lasted until about 1955. The last Junior Court was formed on December 11, 1976, with 30 girls. It was a very active and industrious group for several years.

In the early years of the Court, they would divide the membership into two groups, the purple group and the gold group. They would compete against each other in bringing in new members. The winning side would be treated to a dinner by the losing side. It was fun and they increased membership. The hope was that increasing visibility would also increase membership. The peak membership was 103 in 1974.

The Court has always been actively involved with the local Knights of Columbus Council #2325. In the past, cosponsored Seminary Breakfasts were held with the proceeds going towards Seminarian needs. Dinners were also co-sponsored for the Elizabeth House, a home for unwed mothers in Portland. CDA and the Knights also worked jointly on many dinners for the parish and even celebrated together for Christmas parties.

A Past Regents club was organized in 1959. It was very active in mission work and rolled bandages made from old bed sheets that would then be sent for use with lepers. Hospital gowns were made from old white shirts and quilts were sewn for St. Mary’s Boys Home. Acts of charity continued as Ditty Bags were assembled (toiletries, games, toys, stationery, etc.) for the needy throughout the world. These were sent to the US Navy, where Project Handclasp delivered them to the Third World.

In 1985, the Catholic Daughters joined with Mt. Angel Seminary here in Oregon and instituted a program where various courts would adopt seminarians, or ladies studying to become nuns. We have supported several students each year remembering them with cards and gifts.

In 1998, we celebrated our 70th anniversary as a Court. At Sunday morning Mass, small certificates were given to long-time members and CDA’s role in the community was explained to the congregation. A reception was held in the Church Community Center where scrapbooks were displayed and hand-outs provided. The following year, we took part in our parish’s 1st Ecumenical Fair where each ministry explained their roles. We created quite a bit of interest.

In June, we took our Chaplain to dinner on Priest Appreciation Day. A parish-wide annual baby shower was coordinated for the Elizabeth House. Also sponsored, was a Fashion Show Luncheon where members modeled clothing from a local department store. This was the beginnings of the Mother Daughter Tea. This annual tea is now open to all, and today has become one of our largest fundraisers. In the Fall of 2007, we began selling the Mt. Angel Benedictine Nuns, Monastery Mustard. It was very successful. The profits from the mustard sales were donated to the new Youth Room which today is used by many Parish groups and the school.

We continue to semi-annually combine craft and bake sales with a Knights of Columbus Breakfasts. We also have adopted children through an adoption program.

In 2018, we celebrated our 90th Anniversary. The Knights of Columbus helped sponsor an evening dinner with many dignitaries including Auxiliary Emeritus Bishop Kenneth Steiner and our State Regent, Irene Duda. We shared our history and provided awards while enjoying the comradery of a celebratory dinner. There have been many changes over the years. In 1928, dues were $1.00, today they are $25.00. Banquets use to cost 75¢ and now cost $14.00. We no longer use Drill Teams. Robes use to be worn at every meeting but now are only worn for special occasions. Many offices have been eliminated.

In 2021, Court St. Anne has evolved, and continues in strength with 51 members. We joyfully support Local, State and National charities as we continue learning, giving and helping through our mission of Unity and Charity for all.
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Madonna’s Center for Life

Court St. Anne annually hosts a baby shower with donations going to The Madonna’s Center for Life.
We collect baby clothing and other necessities as well as monetary contributions from our court, St. John the Apostle parishioners and other donors. The Madonna's Center for Life serves any parent who is without support or temporarily unable to provide for their young children’s basic needs.
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Court St. Anne is pleased to adopt five or six seminarians each year.
We send cards of encouragement and gift cards to help support them throughout the year with basic needs and costs involved in their schooling. Our court members have the opportunity to enjoy trips to Mt. Angel Abbey to visit with the Seminarians. We take cookies and other treats to lift their spirits. We have the opportunity to have lunch with them, and are sometimes fortunate to have a guided tour of the grounds and to also visit the bookstore and coffee house which is a great place to find spiritual books and gifts. The Abbey is a beautiful, peaceful, God-filled place which brings joy to our hearts. We look forward to these outings!
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Annual Spring Tea

Court St. Anne’s annual Spring Tea is held on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend.
It's such a fun relaxing afternoon. It is open to the public and we have hosted as many as 160 guests. Who doesn’t enjoy getting out for a girl’s day with friends or treating their mother to a lovely afternoon! Ticket sales usually begin in April. A variety of teas as well as delicious finger-sandwiches, cookies, cupcakes or other desserts are served. Over the years, we have had a variety of entertainment. These include a fashion show, Willamette Falls Symphony – River Winds Ensemble, Molly Malone Irish Dancers, a harpist, a Hawaiian Dancer, and much more. There are several door prizes given away, and raffle tickets are available for purchase giving guests the opportunity to win a themed basket. Guests get so excited to enter these raffles!
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Prenatal Ultrasound

The Knights of Columbus and Court St. Anne #1089 Catholic Daughters made a generous donation to better Obria's mobile unit with a new 3D 4D ultrasound machine.
Their Oregon City staff is so excited to learn how to use it. Their patients really value and light up when they see their baby for the first time. Obria is excited to offer their patients an even more in depth and detailed experience.
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Patriotic Rosary

Court St. Anne gathered again on November 11th for our 3rd Annual Patriotic Rosary in the church.
We followed with a reception of cake and coffee honoring the veterans. All parishioners were invited to join us in prayer. We prayed a Hail Mary for each state in our nation. We hope to continue this in coming years. Veterans, we thank you for your service! With the many sacrifices of veterans throughout our country, we are free to worship!
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Living in Imitation of Mary

Court St. Anne #1089 members Front – Joi Shervey, Gail Holt, Roseann Cotton, Pat Dugan, Cathy Lamb, Flora Dole, Back Rows – Markie Talarsky, Carol Trumble, Judy Peitz Toni Neels, Ingrid Rhemrev, Sally Fuller, Denise Tischler, Barbara Strahm, Pat Parra, Linda Carlson, Rita Bredehoeft and Janet Cote.
Members brought their favorite statue of Mary to our December 2nd meeting, and we read the Imitation of Mary meditating on the virtues of Mary, purity, prudence, humility, faithfulness, devotedness, obedience, poverty, patience, mercy, & sorrowful. Members also shared what made their statue special with stories of where it came into their possession, and it was very enjoyable.
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Students are so excited about the Education Contest.

Members of Court St. Anne love to see the many talents of the St. John the Apostle students each year when they enter the Education Contest.
The themes for 2022 are: “With God All Things Are Possible” Mt. 19:26 or “Where is God in my life when I am struggling?”. This year, there are twenty-seven entries in Division 1 - 4th and 5th grades, and thirty-four entries in Division 2 - 6th, 7th and 8th grades. We received entries in art, essay, poetry, and photography. There will be winners of $25 for first place, $20 for second place, and $15 for third place entries for each grade for a total of $300.00 in awards. Students will also receive an award certificate. We love seeing their faces light up with excitement!
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St. Valentine Bazaar was a big success!

Court St. Anne sponsored their first St. Valentine Bazaar and baked goods sale.
Local artists and other vendors rented spaces to display and sell their wares. Court members sold baked goods, pepper jellies and hand-made articles. With the profits earned from the sale, Court St. Anne will continue to support local, state and national charities. Pictured are Court members greeting and serving customers, left to right, Court Regent Gail Holt, Pat Parra, and Monica Mumper.
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Lenten Soup Supper was scrumpdillyicious!

Court St. Anne was blessed to lead the first Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 4th.
Regent, Gail Holt did the reading, Danille Howk carryied the cross, Cathy Lamb & Treasurer Flora Dole carried candles. For the soup supper, members made four delicious flavors of soup, clam chowder, meatless taco, lentil barley, and cheesy potato. We also served rolls and butter. Servers received many compliments on the supper. Thanks to all that volunteered!
Pictured left to right: Linda Carlson, Maureen Abelsen, Cathy Lamb, Claudine Brotzman, Mary Carow and Regent, Gail Holt.
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Ct. St. Anne’s Donation to Confirmation Students Received Many Smiles!

Court St. Anne #1089 Makes Donation for SJA Students to Attend Retreat.
Court St. Anne was happy to make a donation of $500.00 to the St. John the Apostle students that were confirmed this month. This will help defray the costs of attending “Ignite Your Torch NW”. It's a Catholic teen retreat held at University of Portland. The students are very excited to attend and thankful to Court St. Anne. Pictured in center is Regent Gail Holt presenting the check and newly elected Vice Regent Claudine Brotzman is on the right.
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Clothing Donations

Court St. Anne #1089 gathers clothing for the women in our community that are homeless or in need.
There were so many bags! Members were so generous in their donations! The closet was piled high! We all felt blessed to be able to help! Homeless women in our community were thrilled to see all of the warm clothing with the cold wet weather that has come this past week. They shopped for a couple of hours at The Welcome Café on October 16th, 2022 at St. John the Apostle where they also received a hot meal.
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Holiday Bazaar Fundraiser

Our 12th Annual Holiday Bazaar was a huge success.
Our Parish Center was swarming with shoppers especially in the morning hours. Between space rentals and sales of jelly as well as all of the delicious homemade desserts, candies, handmade crafts, & kitchen sales, we did very well. What a great effort was made by all that volunteered and brought food and craft items.
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Fund Raising

To raise money for the many charities we support, we offer jellies by Aloha from Oregon.

Oregon City

Court St. Anne #1089 Officers

L to R: District Deputy Marcy Marlow, Treasurer Laura Jaimes, Financial Secretary Karen Lemmon, Recording Secretary Roseann Cotton, Vice Regent Flora Dole, Regent Claudine Brotzman, State Regent Gail Holt

Court Chaplain
Fr. Maxy D'Costa

417 Washington St.
Oregon City, OR 97045

Claudine Brotzman

Vice Regent
Flora Dole

Recording Secretary
Roseann Cotton

Financial Secretary
Karen Lemmon

Laura Jaimes

Contact Us

We welcome new members. Please contact us:

© 2022 Catholic Daughters #1089
