
Catholic Daughters Oregon Officers

State Chaplain
Rev. James Herrera

State Regent
Gail Holt

First Vice State Regent
Lisa Dryer

Second Vice State Regent
Margaret (Marge) Pranger

State Secretary
Kristi Smalley

State Treasurer
Patricia (Pat) Ridenour



In addition to the work done on the local level by our courts, Catholic Daughters of the Americas supports many state projects listed below. Through combined giving, each court and members have an opportunity to support these worthwhile programs.


This state project was adopted in 1941 to assist in the cost of the education of our priests and future priests. Donations to this fund need to be marked with the designation of where the court wishes the monies to be deposited. There are three distinct seminarian vocation programs in Oregon.

  • The Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
  • Mount Angel Abbey Monastery
  • Diocese of Baker

Financial support goes to each of these seminaries. Courts are encouraged to donate to all three seminaries. Be sure to identify which seminary you are making a donation to.

Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon
Rev. Jeff Ervin, Vocation Director
2838 East Burnside Street
Portland, Oregon 97214-1895

The Archdiocese of Portland Office of Vocations helps the faithful to know and live out their vocation through an encounter with Jesus Christ. We provide support to parishes, schools, and religious communities in their efforts of creating a culture of vocations in the Archdiocese. We celebrate and honor the universal call to holiness through the particular vocations of priesthood and consecrated life.

Mount Angel Abbey Monastery
Fr. Odo Reiker, O.S.B., Vocation Director
1 Abbey Drive
Saint Benedict, Oregon 97373

Mount Angel Abbey is a community of Benedictine priests and brothers, founded in 1882 from the Abbey of Engelberg in Switzerland. They share a monastic tradition that has been a vital part of the Roman Catholic Church for more than fifteen hundred years. Responding to God’s call to holiness and preferring nothing whatever to Christ, they dedicate themselves to a life of prayer and work. They follow the Rule of St. Benedict living a traditional monastic life. They chant the entire Divine Office, value silence and wear the habit. The apostolate features pastoral service, hospitality and priestly formation. They are scholars, pastors, teachers, administrators, artists, artisans and skilled and unskilled laborers.

Diocese of Baker Oregon
Rev. Tomy Chowaean, SDB, Vocation Director
641 SW Umatilla Avenue
Redmond, Oregon 97756


Local courts are able to choose from the following state charities endorsed and supported by the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.


As expressions of God’s healing love, witnessed through the ministry of Jesus, we are steadfast in serving all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable.

Providence Child Center (PCC) has been caring for Oregon’s most vulnerable children for over 60 years. Today it continues to fill an important gap in the community not provided by any other organization regionally. We are rooted in the commitment to promote the inherent dignity of all children by providing each child in our care the opportunity to achieve his or her potential and the highest quality of life in an atmosphere of acceptance and love.

Providence Child Center provides a rich continuum of services for children, and is home to the Center for Medically Fragile Children, a pediatric skilled nursing facility; Providence Neurodevelopmental Center for Children, a comprehensive neurodevelopmental evaluation and therapy services and Swindell’s Child Disability Resource Center, an education and information source for families, and the Specialty Pediatric Dental Clinic for children with special health care needs and their siblings.

Financial support provides educational opportunities for preschool age children who are developmentally disabled.

Other ways to help: Donations of art supplies and other school supplies are always needed.


Providing volunteer services for a variety of needs of both inpatient and outpatient veterans

Oregon Veterans’ Home is located in the historic Columbia Gorge community of The Dalles. It opened in the fall of 1997 and is a 151-bed long-term care facility that provides skilled nursing, Alzheimer and other dementia, and inpatient and outpatient rehabilitative care to veterans, their spouses and parents all of whose children died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Edward C. Allworth Veterans’ Home opened on September 20, 2014 in Lebanon and has room for 154 veterans.

One of the many things that truly set the Oregon Veterans’ Homes apart from other care communities is their residents. They have served their country in times of war and in times of peace. Also, having lived full lives, they have many memories and stories to share.

Financial support goes towards activities and items that make life more enjoyable for the residents, including: field trips, exercise equipment, refreshments for outings, transportation, medical equipment and supplies, benches, patios, plants, and magazine subscriptions. Donations are also used to assist in the cost of care for those with temporary financial difficulties.

Other ways to help includes (1) volunteering your time and talent and/or (2) donating items from their Wish List


Giving teen girls who are pregnant or parenting a safe and supervised place to live.

Magdalene Home was opened in September 2001 by a group of concerned citizens in Medford to provide a loving alternative home for homeless pregnant and parenting teen girls. Magdalene Home is founded on Christian teachings about the God-given dignity and value of every human life. Our doors are open to any girl in need, without regard to race or religion. The young mothers who stay with us are required to attend high school and are taught basic skills in things such as cooking, budgeting, shopping, and meal planning and how to make effective life choices.

Financial support that comes to Magdalene Home is used for salaries for housemothers, who are there 24 hours a day. These housemothers give the young mothers the support, encouragement, education, and guidance that they so desperately need. Also, financial support is used for utilities, household supplies, needed household repairs, or to take the young mothers and their babies for activities.

Other ways to help : They are always in need of household items such as laundry detergent, diapers, towels, sheets, blankets, etc.


This scholarship is awarded annually to a high school graduating senior who is a JCDA member, to assist her in future studies. This scholarship is funded through donations by Catholic Daughter Courts and its members. Msgr. Edmund J. Murnane served as a Catholic Daughter State Chaplain from 1939-1978.


Offering an alternative to abortion, to provide a home, not just a place to live, for pregnant and parenting teenage mothers

Rev. Msgr. Charles Taaffe began the Father Taaffe Foundation by opening St. Brigid Home in 1975 to provide a safe and loving home for pregnant teenage mothers. In 1991, with the help of generous supporters, Fr. Taaffe was able to open St. Monica Home. St. Teresa Home was opened in 1998. In 2018, St. Monica Apartments were completed. The old St. Monica building is now serving as a respite home for foster families. The Father Taaffe Homes program has increased in its capacity to shelter and serve young mothers in crisis. Catholic Community Services have also expanded the program to include neighborhood-based supports for young moms who don’t need shelter but need support to deliver a full-term healthy baby and to protect and nurture the baby once it is born.

Financial Support goes for employee wages and benefits, liability insurance and utilities. The homes are supported by three dinners, Mustang car raffle, a booth at Mt. Angel Oktoberfest, and other raffles and dinners.

Other ways to help: They accept all types of donations, clothes, food, furniture, personal items, and household items. They especially have needs for maternity clothes, large T-shirts, sweatpants, clock radios, new pillows, lines, women’s socks, and all types of games.


Striving to provide a welcoming presence and a beautiful environment conducive to peace, quiet, and spiritual inspiration. The Grotto offers understanding, compassion, support and hope through a variety of ministries including counseling, education, spiritual direction and liturgical celebrations. The Grotto endeavors to serve all people.

This beautiful 62-acre Catholic shrine and botanical garden is located in Portland, Oregon. “The Grotto” is the popular name of The National Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother. It is a non-profit organization supported solely by the proceeds of its gift shop and by donations. It is administered by the Order of Friars Servants of Mary, USA Province.

Catholic Daughters began support of The Grotto in 1934 with a donation of the statue “Mary Our Mother” located on the upper level of the Sanctuary. The Grotto was adopted as a state project in 1992. An annual Noon Mass is held for all Catholic Daughters on the Sunday nearest the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Financial support that The Grotto receives goes toward continuing their many ministries such as The Grotto Counseling Center, The Spirituality Program, caring for the 62-acre facility which includes a beautiful botanical garden, maintaining the various buildings on site such as the Chapel of Mary, The Monastery, and the Plaza.

Other ways to help: Volunteers are needed and especially on special days such as the Festival of Lights (Advent Season).


Education Contest
Once a year we participate in our National Education Contest. The themes are chosen by our National Board and sent to all local courts. The entries include: art, computer art, poetry, essay, photography, and music. There are three levels of competition: local, state and national.

We have hundreds of entries every year from all over the state. Most years we have winners on the national level.

Junior Catholic Daughters
Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas (JCDA), our youth program for girls 6 through 18, was founded in 1926. There are two active JCDA courts–Court Marion, Mt. Angel and Court Our Lady of Perpetual Adoration, Gervais. JCDA activities promote Christian values, accepting the Christian message and acting on it, and build lifelong friendships.

JCDA is a threefold program with focus on our young women. Our program includes: message, service and community. Included in our program are a series of books which are used to enhance spiritual guidance. The four books in the series are: Family of God, I Live My Faith, Marian Medal, and Spirit Alive.

Financial support goes to promoting JCDA programs and activities in Oregon.

Other ways to help: Volunteers are needed to organize and lead JCDA Courts.