Monthly Meeting, Social 6:30, Meeting 7PM

Thursday, May 2, 2024 - 6:30 PM

CDA event image

Please join us for our social at 6:30PM followed by our meeting at 7:00PM. We'd love to see you all!



Fill in your name and message, then click one below to finish.


1 Gail Holt

2 Linda

3 Judy Herrmann

4 Roseann Cotton

5 Valerie

I will attend

6 Cindy Miller

7 Janet Cote

8 Laura Jaimes

9 Markie

10 Jeanne Miller

11 Becky Helmstadt

12 Jean Atkinson

13 Rita Malone

I may be a few minutes late because I’m running my daughter to the airport.

14 Michelle Williams

I am hostess

15 Maureen Abelsen

I will bring my basket for the CDA Tee to the meeting. I will need to have someone bring it for me tomorrow evening as I will be out of town. OSU is having Mother's Weekend and I will be in Corvallis with my daughter. Thank you.